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A House in the Middle of Nowhere

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Shutter Island

Una Casa en la Mitad de la Nada (Original in Spanish) #

Cuando estábamos juntos recuerdo que teníamos una casa en la mitad de la nada. En ese lugar siempre eramos tu, y yo… En alguna parte lejos de la tristeza y el dolor nos camuflabamos, nos escondíamos en secreto del mundo y compartir la oscuridad era uno de muchos de nuestros actos de amor.

Irnos a vivir allí era nuestra protesta contra el mundo, pero no se trataba de ocultarnos de él, sino de encontrar allí en compañía eso que a solas se nos había negado. Luego de un tiempo lo que empezó siendo una casa terminó siendo un hogar, ya no era solo un refugio, una guarida o un oasis, era algo más simple, pero algo nuestro… Nos decíamos que ese amor era como una fogata, porque en esa oscuridad que nos aislaba esa luz era lo que nos mantenía reunidos bajo el mismo techo.

Fuiste mi familia y mi amor, aun vivo en esa caso aunque ya no la habites tu.

This prose poem was originally written in Spanish and recited by me in a video about Shutter Island. You can watch it on my YouTube channel.

A House in the Middle of Nowhere (English Translation) #

When we were together, I remember we had a house in the middle of nowhere. In that place it was always you, and me… Somewhere far from sadness and pain, we camouflaged ourselves, hiding secretly from the world, and sharing the darkness was just one of our many acts of love.

Moving there was our protest against the world, but it wasn’t about hiding from it; it was about finding in each other what had been denied to us alone. Over time, what started as a house became a home. It was no longer just a refuge, a den, or an oasis; it was something simpler, but something that was ours…. We used to say our love was like a fire, because in that darkness that isolated us, that light was what kept us under the same roof.

You were my family and my love; I still live in that house even though you no longer live here.